The reduction of environmental impact is a very important matter
in terms of sustainability and quality of life.
Energy resources extracted from oil are becoming scarce and the conversion to alternative sources of energy is both fundamental and necessary.
Based on this awareness, over the last few years, Riello has reconverted its products, enhancing the research to develop energy from renewable sources, focusing mainly on solar energy.
Since 2008 the plant in Piombino Dese has been completely restructured and dedicated exclusively to the production of solar energy: 1,750 m² dedicated to solar panel production,
with a production capacity of 82,000 collectors/year and a continuous increase of labor.
The production of Riello solar panels follows a meticulous procedure of planning the products for the development and sustainable disposal of panels:
Riello tests the glass used for its solar panels using SPF Testing certified control. This German company offers a certification program specifically designed for solar glass and which takes into consideration the optical characteristics specifically for solar glass required for thermal collectors, while considering optical transmission, Incident Angle Modifier and deterioration (reduction of transmission due to environmental influence). The basic idea of this certification is to give the possibility to replace the glass with another of the same class, while maintaining the same efficiency of the panel.
Working in synergy with the research and design activities is the Prototype Laboratory equipped with rapid prototyping cells, Stereo Lithography and silicon vacuum mould systems. These techniques allow a great deal of time to be saved in producing components for the continuous development of new products for both the residential and industrial areas.
The EN 12975 certification measures the reliability of the solar panel
and defines the requirements in terms of quality and test procedures.
The tests consist of various measurements and evaluations of resistance, more specifically: